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Here's How to Boost Morale on Your HOA Board

Written by Jennifer Harvey | Oct 20, 2022 6:30:00 PM

Managing an HOA isn't easy; the work and time requirements can be daunting, especially when the HOA board members feel their efforts aren't appreciated. 

As a result, boosting morale on your HOA board can sometimes seem impossible. Still, these five tips will help you increase the happiness of your board members, so they'll be more willing to get out there and promote your organization to everyone in the neighborhood.

Let’s get started!

1) Have Some Fun

Start your meeting with a fun activity. One board member suggested playing "The Name Game”. To play, one person starts by giving their name. 

The next person says the name of someone they know and then adds a question for the following person to answer.  You can also do this in reverse order or use animals instead of names.

2) Use Technology

Technology can help you keep in touch with your board members and vice versa. Use technology, such as email and social media platforms, to improve communication with other board members. One of the biggest complaints from homeowners is that they don't feel involved or informed about what's happening in their community. 

With all the new forms of communication we have today, like Skype and text messages, it's easy to be more accessible than ever before. 

You can use this accessibility to improve communication with your fellow board members and allow for feedback when considering changes or updates within the community.

Some states have requirements about discussing issues outside of a meeting so be careful but it is usually possible to increase communication and stay within the requirements.

 For example, if a significant decision needs to be made, try inviting a member of your association via text message, so they feel included in the discussion. 

3) Get Organized

Many things can be done to boost the morale of your board. One easy thing is to get organized and set up a system that makes it easier for everyone to find what they need. 

This could be as simple as creating a shared drive for brainstorming or assigning individual tasks such as organizing volunteers for upcoming events, checking references for a proposed vendor, etc.. Find the system that works best for you, and start getting organized!

4) Keep it Short

Keep it short. It might sound counterintuitive, but board meetings should be short and efficient. Resist the temptation to keep talking. 

If a board member has something else they want to discuss, ask them if they will bring it up at the next meeting or email you privately after the meeting if it isn’t business for the whole board. 

Also, make decisions quickly. Nothing kills morale faster than waiting for a decision that never comes. Making decisions is a significant part of your job as an HOA board member. So do it as soon as possible.

5) Reward Good Work

The community should reward good work by using the following five methods:

  • Recognize and appreciate a job well done.
  • Find ways to show appreciation without cash or prizes.
  • Be consistent in your rewards.
  • Don’t make personal attacks on a board’s decision.

What other strategies have you used to boost morale on your board? Let us know in the comments below.

Final Thoughts

The best way to help boost morale on your board is by ensuring you have the right tools and resources available. With RealManage, you can be assured of an easy-to-use system with a robust back-office team of professionals to support you. 

Thanks to our one-of-a-kind portal, comprehensive reporting, marketing automation suite, and more, we quickly make it easy for boards to manage their community. Contact us today to learn more.