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Articles by
Jennifer Harvey

Jennifer Harvey

    Latest Articles

    Every Voice Matters: The Best Ways to Get Input from Homeowners

    Getting homeowners within your community to speak up about issues that matter to them constructively can be challenging.

    Can Robert's Rules of Order Benefit Your Community Association?

    Running a successful meeting seems like a snap for most people, but actually, meetings can turn into dreadful events...

    Understanding the Importance of CAI Designations

    As an association board member, you are always looking for the best for your community. The best landscaper, the best...

    Understanding the Different Kinds of HOA Meetings

    There are different types of HOA meetings, and each one should be led differently to ensure that the most important...

    Here's How Your HOA Can Avoid Special Assessments

    Special assessments are often issued to an HOA when the association is underfunded for a large project that takes a lot...

    How Your HOA Board Can Help Improve Owner Retention in Your Community

    Stability is part of the appeal of an HOA neighborhood. Builders and families looking to create a sense of timelessness...

    Branded Community Merchandise Ideas for Your HOA

    One of the best things about living in a planned community is the sense of togetherness that often comes along with it....

    How Can Your HOA Handle Residents Who Feed Stray Animals?

    Feeding stray animals can cause a host of problems in your community. Some community members may worry that strays will...

    How Your HOA Should Handle Requests to Install Solar Panels

    Green energy, including solar panels, has become increasingly popular over the past several years.