RealManage Insight - Community Management Blog

7 Tips For Getting Along With Your Homeowners Association

Written by Amanda Causey | Dec 2, 2015 8:00:54 AM

Navigating the realm of homeownership comes with its own set of challenges, and one of the most notable can be forming a harmonious relationship with your HOA. Whether you're a first-time homeowner or a seasoned pro, finding common ground with your association can greatly enhance your living experience within the community.

From maintaining property values to upholding neighborhood aesthetics, the association plays a crucial role.

In this blog, we'll explore seven invaluable tips that can help you foster a positive and productive relationship with your association.

By understanding their role, effectively communicating, and participating in the community's initiatives, you can pave the way for a smoother and more enjoyable living experience while abiding by the rules and regulations that ensure a thriving neighborhood.

1. Know the Rules Before you Move In

Many residents don’t do their research before buying or renting a property in an HOA. It is very important that you are familiar with the policies on pets, parking, fee collection, noise, and other guidelines. You should also know if your association is run by volunteers in the community or an HOA Management Community.

2. Follow the Proper Procedures

Your HOA board should have clear policies and procedures for everything from getting permission to paint, installing satellite dishes, getting a new pet, or getting rental applications. Make sure you know the proper channels you need to go through.

3. Volunteer in Your Community

Volunteering in your HOA benefits your community and personal growth. It fosters a sense of belonging, influences community decisions, enhances property values, and develops skills like leadership and communication. Active participation reduces conflicts, improves neighbor relations, and leaves a positive legacy for future residents. It's a win-win for a thriving community and a fulfilling living experience.

4. Go to Your Neighbors Before Going to the Board

The board is there to enforce the rules and regulations. If you are having an issue with your neighbor, like loud music, parking problems, or an overgrown lawn, speak with them first before taking your issue to the board. This will help keep you and your neighbors’ relationship amicable.

5. If You Don’t Like a Rule, Gather Your Neighbors Together and Try and Change It

Your board should review the rules every few years to make sure they are still relevant and serve the community in a positive way. If you don’t like a rule, chances are that some of your neighbors feel the same way. Gather them and petition your board to make a change.

6. Stay Out of Court

Every community will have a few members who think that the rules don’t apply to them and would rather fight than comply. A court battle can be costly in money and emotionally within the community. Both the member and the HOA volunteer board need to be reasonable and willing to negotiate.

7. Have a Long-term Plan

It always makes sense to plan for items you know will have to be replaced or repaired, such as roads, roofs, and pools. If the community has no reserve and plan, it is likely that a leaky roof in a condo community will result in each tenant handing over thousands of dollars for the fixes. If the board is collecting fees each month then there should be enough reserves. Plan accordingly!

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a positive relationship with your HOA is vital for a harmonious community. Follow these seven tips to communicate effectively, stay informed, and foster a sense of unity. By approaching conflicts with solutions, building trust, and showing respect, you contribute to a thriving and valuable neighborhood for everyone.