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The Biggest Communication Challenges HOA Boards Face Without A Manager

Written by Amanda Causey | Jan 12, 2016 8:00:26 AM

Do the board members in your HOA communicate well with their members? Let’s be honest. If your association is like any other, communication with members can be a challenge- especially without the help of a lead member calling the shots. So what are some things you can do to get your messages heard? Here are some common challenges HOA boards face without a manager.

How a Management Association Can Help!

For most HOAs without a professional HOA management company, board members give up their free time to help grow and govern the association. But when members aren’t involved on some level, whether it's not attending meetings or reading emails or newsletters, it can feel like all that work is for nothing.

Since being an HOA board member is a serious but voluntary time commitment, there are often bigger issues that need your focus than worrying about how to keep people informed. But it is still important to make sure you are communicating effectively, and there are things you can do to make sure that happens.

When Residents Don’t Read the Rules

Residents don’t know what they don’t know. Most residents don’t read the appropriate documents when they move in. So, when appropriate, attach the rules and regulations to each correspondence sent to members.

Residents Don’t Attend Meetings

Most people wouldn’t show up to a gathering or party unless they were invited. The same may hold true for board meetings. If residents don’t get an invite, they will likely not show up because they may think they are not welcome.

There are several ways to invite members to meetings and make everyone feel welcome. Send an email, create paper flyers and leave on doors, make phone calls, or invite members in person by going door to door.

At meetings, provide refreshments, and have incentives, such as raffles, contests, and giveaways. Make it rewarding for people to come and participate.

Residents Don’t Get Involved

This issue falls along the lines of not attending meetings. If residents got more involved in their association, they would get to know the other residents, be more aware of the day-to-day workings of the association, and possibly find something they would like to help with and get involved on the committee or with a project.

Board members can encourage residents to get involved by making positive touchpoints in the community. Creating a compelling newsletter that people will notice and want to read can do this. Board members can also make sure they say hello to residents when they pass by them in the pool, clubhouse, mail area, or park.

 The board should make everyone in the community feel like they are cared about and listened to.

Final Thoughts

Many HOA boards may not realize that communication is an issue until it is too late and issues arise. If your HOA board doesn’t have the time, resources, or means to properly communicate with their residents, consider hiring a community association management company to take over.