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Articles by
Staff Writer

Staff Writer

RealManage has a team of experts that understand HOA Management, COA Management and are ready to help your association with technological and personalized solutions.

    Latest Articles

    Creating A Vision For Your Homeowners Association

    Residents serving as board members of a Homeowners Association often fall into the trap of taking every issue facing...

    Tips For Creating the Annual Budget

    As a dedicated board member of your community association, you understand the significance of managing finances...

    6 Tips on Preparing HOA Vendor Bids and Evaluating Responses

    HOAs exist for the benefit of all the HOA's homeowner members. The elected Board takes care of the day-to-day business...

    Detecting and Preventing Theft, Fraud, and Embezzlement in HOAs

    All too often, HOAs are the unfortunate targets of theft, fraud, and embezzlement. In some cases, embezzlement and...

    Condominium Association Fees - What Are My Monthly Fees Going Towards

    When you move into any sort of condominium association you will likely have to pay monthly assessments. These...

    HOA Bookkeeping | Understanding Different Methods Available

    There are three main methods of bookkeeping that HOA management companies use. These are GAAP, cash-based, and...

    Reserve Funding Strategies | What Is The Best One For Your HOA?

    All stakeholders in the HOA community can agree on the necessity and importance of HOAs investing in their reserve...

    Creating an Electronic Communication Policy for Your HOA

    Your HOA communicates through several different methods, both when you're communicating with your members and when...

    Understanding The Role and Responsibility of an HOA Board Member

    Volunteer work is often praised as one of the noblest and rewarding undertakings one can experience. Surrendering time,...