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The Importance of Education for New and Existing Board Members

Continuing education is an important step to running a successfully effective and efficient community association. Board member should continue learning.
May 20, 2021 | 3 min read
The Importance of Education for New and Existing Board Members

Education is an essential part of our growth, as it helps inform us of the best way to carry ourselves in the positions we are in or in the works we are likely to undertake. A position as a Community Association board member is vital since it puts the member in charge of the governance of a community. Even when a board member has the right intentions and zeal to govern the community, lack of proper education can make it challenging for the board member to perform their roles appropriately. Below are some of the reasons why each HOA/COA board member should undergo some education on governance.

Helps the board members know their roles in the board

Governing a community can never be a one-person job, but it results from a team. Teamwork is only effective when each member of the team plays their role appropriately. Education on leadership can help the board members know what is required of them. New members, especially, may only have a vague idea of what governing a community entails. The classes will help them get a broader perspective about their role; hence they can perform more effectively.

The board members get to learn from professionals

There are many experts in the field offering training to new and existing board members. At RealManage, we have senior-level staff with over 20 years of experience sharing their wisdom in community management. Also, attorneys inform the board members of the latest statutory and law changes relevant to community governance.  We also have Certified Professional Accountants ensuring that all the members are fiscally responsible.

Keeping the members up to date with the latest changes in community management

We conduct our training sessions weekly because we are aware that changes concerning community management happen at a fast rate. Board members need to understand how the latest news, changes in rules, and laws affect their roles. This helps them become more effective and perform their duties to the best of their abilities.

Preventing the errors of commission

There are mistakes that new board members may make, and such errors may lead to legal issues and affect the community's trust adversely. When experts in the field educate board members, they learn how to avoid such mistakes. Performing governance with fewer mistakes leads to the establishment of trust between the board and the community.

Provides the board members with a chance to grow

One can only grow by learning new skills and implementing them. Educating the board members helps them to learn more about governance from those that have sufficient experience in the field. New members need to have mentors to guide them in handling different community administration issues.

The training benefits the community

Governing the community members appropriately and effectively while keeping them satisfied with the leadership should be the ultimate target of each Community Association board member. Good training results in better governance leading to a happier community. The skillful execution of management ensures that everything runs smoothly, establishing a healthy relationship between the community and the board.

Key Takeaway

Training of the new and existing board members should be done regularly (weekly if possible). It helps the members keep up to date with emerging regulations and grow their skills in community governance, leading them to do their job more efficiently.

At RealManage, we believe in providing the board members with expert training, thus helping them become effective in the execution of their duties. We hold training sessions weekly and update the board members with the latest news in relation to community governance. You can contact us if you want to learn more about educating Community Association board members and its benefits.

Financial Management Guide for Community Associations

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