RealManage Insight - Community Management Blog

Should You Implement a Landscaping Plan?

Written by Staff Writer | May 20, 2014 11:56:00 PM

Landscaping is an essential service for every association-governed community. Along with proper building maintenance, good ground maintenance is one of the signs that a neighborhood takes its property value seriously, and strives to accomplish one of the goals residents hope to achieve when they move into the community: owning real estate whose value remains stable.

The beginning of spring is a great time to implement a landscaping plan, especially if your community does not have an official plan in place. As your neighborhood reviews its existing plan or begins to create one for the first time, there are many suggestions below that can be considered. Many of these suggestions can help your community beautify its common grounds in a cost effective manner that makes good use of assessment fees.

Develop a Sensible Landscaping Budget

Most HOA management companies agree that landscaping is a service that should be well-funded. Because landscaping has such a dramatic effect on curb appeal and the general aesthetic of a community, it is something in which your association should feel comfortable investing a healthy sum of money. When developing a budget, try to set aside enough money to work with an HOA manager, and pay for the services of a landscaping company, as needed.

Work with an HOA Manager

Working with an HOA manager that has experience hiring landscaping companies can benefit your community in more ways than one. In addition to hiring a company that specializes in the type of landscaping your neighborhood needs, HOA management companies can also review vendor contracts to make sure work is performed as it should be. If you plan to hire a landscaping vendor, doing so through an HOA management provider is a smart move.

Develop Volunteer Landscaping Committees

Many people view landscaping activities such as flower gardening and mulching as enjoyable warm weather activities. That the activities add to the beauty of the neighborhood makes them even more appealing. Using volunteer committees is a great way for association-governed neighborhoods to save money and help residents feel more involved in the community. If residents enjoy using their green thumb, why not let them use it in service of the community?

Consider Annual Landscaping Needs

Spring and summer are the prime seasons for landscaping work. However, the workload can be lightened by performing landscaping tasks such as pruning, leaf gathering, and removal of annual plants during late autumn. If you decide to form a contract with a landscaping company, make sure the contract includes landscaping duties that can be performed after summer passes. This will also help common grounds stay looking neat and tidy during the cold season.

Start Planning Today

Summer will be here shortly, so the time to implement a landscaping plan is now. Working with an HOA management provider, you can develop volunteer committees and have a reputable landscaping company under contract before hot, balmy weather sets in for the warm season. If your community needs assistance implementing a new landscaping plan, and it has never worked with HOA management companies, reach out to an HOA manager for advice today.