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Help Keep Your Community Safe by Hosting Safety-Focused Seminars

Written by Kimberly Sutherland | Mar 21, 2019 1:00:00 PM

Promoting the safety and security of the community is, of course, a primary mission of any HOA. Ideally, crimes and disturbances should stay far from your community's gates. But, no neighborhood can expect remain entirely insulated from would-be bad actors and ugly events. Most residents recognize the need to take basic steps to enhance their personal and home security, but many do not know where to start. Here are some ideas for safety-focused seminars your HOA can host to help residents be proactive about safety and to contribute to your community's well-being.

1. Self-Defense Classes

No one wants to feel unsafe while walking in their own neighborhood. Inviting a professional to teach self-defense classes to your residents can ease fears about muggings and other assaults by giving homeowners a set of skills for fending off an attacker. Empowering your residents with basic self-defense moves can also have the collateral benefit of encouraging more of people to spend time walking outside, which in turn reduces the likelihood of any one of them ever being caught alone and off-guard by an ill-intentioned stranger.

2. Public Safety Seminar

Invite the local police department to host a public safety seminar at which residents can ask questions about local crime statistics and learn about the topics of immediate and ongoing concern for local law enforcement. These seminars can also build trust and open lines of communication between the community and its police force, making it more likely your residents will speak up if they see something amiss. 

3. Children's Safety Seminar

Parents could always use extra reassurance that the neighborhood where they chose to raise their families takes children's safety seriously. One way for your HOA to demonstrate its commitment to kids' safety is to host a seminar specifically geared toward educating children about "stranger danger" and other topics that will keep them out of harm's way, as well as teaching them how and to whom to report an incident or accident.

4. Security Staff Open House

If your HOA employs private security or implements other security measures, host an open house for community residents to come see the steps your association takes to promote their security. This could include visiting your security office and learning about how the security team patrols the neighborhood, or taking a walking tour of the community to point out where you have installed surveillance cameras, emergency phones, or other features designed to keep the peace.

5. Incident Response Training

If your HOA has developed an emergency incident response plan (which it should), consider hosting an event at which you educate and, potentially, train residents in its implementation. Research shows that even simple planning for where to go and what to do in emergencies can significantly improve public safety and health outcomes. Residents also feel more secure, and your association earns trust, when everyone knows there is a plan in place for the next flood, tornado, or accident.

6. Home Security Education

Sales representatives of home security companies are always willing to educate potential customers about home safety. With minimal effort, your HOA could organize a "security day" with representatives of one or more companies to market their services and provide practical advice about keeping a home secure. Not only can this earn you the thanks of local businesses, it can also help enhance an overall community commitment to security. 

RealManage HOA Management Services

RealManage partners with community associations of all sizes and types to ease the burden on association boards of managing community affairs. To learn more about how our services can enhance your community's safety and security, contact us today to request a proposal.