HOAs are responsible for a variety of tasks within a community of homes, villas, apartments, or even condos. One of the responsibilities that an HOA will face within a community is to ensure that the roads are appropriately maintained throughout the neighborhood or development. This includes the maintenance that is required, over time, on the roads that run throughout the community. Reasons like this are why it is very important for homeowners to understand what their homeowners association covers and what their fees are covering.
The costs entailed with maintaining the roads or roadways in an HOA will require over time varies from neighborhood to neighborhood. However, some of the following can be counted on as typical costs and repairs that most communities will have to face in over the course of time, including:
Clean Neighborhoods/Developments Improve Home Value:
Keeping the entire neighborhood, including the parking lots and roadways clean and clear can help increase the values of homes within the community. No one wants to come driving through their neighborhood to find potholes that could cause damage to their vehicle driving through them or roadkill on the side of the road. Clean, debris-free streets that are well-maintained and clearly marked through painted notations, however, can help make the neighborhood a safe, accident-free place to drive and park. This makes that community a more desirable place to live and the residents of it will appreciate an easy commute to and from their homes, no matter where they are going.
Maintaining Roads Now Saves in the Future:
Maintaining your community's roadways and parking lots now will help save time and money in the future. Ensuring that the community is well-kept and clean now ensures that you do not have to do a total road re-do in the future. It might cost more now, but it will save money in the future when in 10 years the entire road system in the neighborhood or development needs reconstructed because they are so far beyond repair. Plan the costs into the HOA fees and keep the maintenance up every few years.
Final Note: Include the Cost of Labor:
It's easy to determine how much it will cost for the materials to resurface the parking lot or to patch a few potholes, however, being sure to include the labor costs is what will really set the budgets apart as far as accurate estimates on how much maintenance will cost. Be sure to include the cost of labor in the estimates for what you will need to spend to keep your road system maintained.