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Does Your Community Association Have New Year’s Resolutions?

Written by Staff Writer | Jan 5, 2017 9:18:43 PM

The start of a new year is a time when many people resolve to make positive changes, but New Year’s resolutions aren’t limited to people. If you are a board member of an HOA community, you can also make resolutions for your community. Below are examples of resolutions that condo communities create and carry out with the help of condominium management associations.

Collect Delinquent Assessment Fees

Collecting delinquent assessment fees is one of the primary tasks Community Association Management providers are asked to handle. In most cases, success involves striking a proper balance between penalties for non-payment and debt repayment options. Letting residents pay delinquent fees on a schedule they can afford essential for collecting the money promptly.

Create a Pet-Friendly Community

A pet-friendly community considers the needs of pets and residents. For residents, no barking policies, pet restraint policies, and pet clean-up policies should be enacted. For pets, the community can let them walk with their owners in the community, occupy their owner’s fenced yard, and create a special area where animals can roam free, such as a dog park.

Become Smoke-Free

The anti-smoking legislation that is sweeping the nation is quickly making smoking in public a thing of the past, and many private entities have outlawed smoking on their premises as well. Making your community smoke-free has at least three benefits: no one breathes secondhand smoke, the chance of fires inside units is decreased, and no cigarette butts litter the ground.

Create a Reserve Fund

Some HOA communities realize their need for a reserve fund in the winter months, when furnaces malfunction and need replacement, ice storms cause tree limbs to collapse, and street drains become clogged with ice. Having a sufficient reserve fund allows companies to handle unexpected expected expenses associated with such events without raising assessment fees.

Does Your Community Have Resolutions?

The beginning of a new year is a perfect time for association-governed communities to make positive changes, such as the ones above. If your community needs assistance creating or enforcing resolutions for the coming year, contact a community association management company that has experience working with communities like yours, and schedule a free consultation.