RealManage Insight - Community Management Blog

5 Proven Methods of Attracting New Homeowners to Your Community

Written by Nikkole Luna | Aug 3, 2021 2:40:00 PM

As is the case with any other business, you want your real estate business to elevate to the next level. Among other things, the core strategy of ensuring that you have new homeowners while keeping the ones you have is through proper marketing.

A study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in 2018 found out that about 87% of new home buyers prefer making their purchases from real estate agents. From this study, it is evident that you have the opportunity to attract new homeowners to your community- the only question is, how?

Consider the following tips:

1. Have an Effective Pet Waste Management Plan

Given that there are over 84 million dogs in the United States, there is a continued need for homeowners to look for areas with effective pet waste management plans. That said, putting the right pet waste management policies in your community will attract more home buyers to your community.

You can achieve this by:

  • Putting aside some days for common area cleaning
  • Educating your residents on the importance of maintaining proper pet waste management strategies.
  • Installing pet waste stations
  • Having a team that takes care of pet waste in the community


2. Improve the Security of Your Community

Before moving into a new neighborhood, the first thing that all homeowners consider is security. What is security like in your community? Are there ways that you can improve? Depending on the terrain, design, and location of your properties, you can improve security in the following ways:

  • Install security cameras and stronger gates
  • Educate your homeowners to be diligent and take precautions
  • Have a private security company in place
  • Have a strong relationship with your local law enforcement
  • Organize a neighborhood watch


3. Improve on Landscaping

A good landscape improves the general appearance of your area. The fresh air and peaceful environment enhance the value of your property and increase its demand- potential homeowners would love to move to your location.

To improve your landscape, consider:

  • Finding a professional landscaping vendor that you can trust
  • Plant more trees
  • Grow flowering plants


4. Ask For Referrals and Involve the Community

39% of the people using the services of real estate agents found out about them through friends or family. While it is true that some clients can always pass the word around for you, asking them for referrals is a more viable option. If possible, you can give some discounts to anyone who makes a successful referral to your services.

On the other hand, you can make it a habit to follow up on your new homebuyers months after settling in their properties. By reaching out through email, the buyer will feel loved and will not hesitate to refer your services to anybody they may know.

You can also host community events such as holiday get-togethers and block parties- just for fun and socializing.


5. Lower Utility Costs

In as much as possible, look for ways to lower the utility costs of your community. Create an environment where your homebuyers will not feel the pinch of paying their utility bills. Water and energy should be conserved at all costs.

You can lower your utility costs by:

  • Use sustainable methods of landscaping
  • Educate your buyers always to turn off the lights when not in use
  • Consider energy-efficient practices such as using LED lighting
  • Determine if it is necessary to have an irrigation system.